Kathy Alcoba has been in the health, wellness, and fitness field since 2005. Her background includes Fitness First, Earthtreks Climbing Facility, and My Gym Children's Fitness Center in Maryland, New York Health and Racquet Club and Chelsea Piers in NYC , as well as various private gyms throughout NYC. Currently she runs her own private practice in midtown east.
She is a certified Corrective Exercise Specialist- certified for rehabilitation of the shoulder, hip, low back, and knee- as well as a Weight Loss Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Personal Trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is a holistic pre post natal Corrective Exercise Specialist with FitForBirth, predominantly working with back injuries and spinal issues. She is also a certified Soft Tissue Transformation Bodywork Specialist through the Gray Institute.
She attended prestigious Vassar College, graduating with a degree in Psychology, specifically Developmental Psychology (concentrating on very young child development between the ages of 2-5) and Sport Psychology (concentrating on the practice of using psychology to coach and develop athletes). Her education here readied her for a life that would be created around doing something inspiring and something she would love. Falling into Health and fitness as a part time gig, she quickly fell in love with it. Doing something she loved, in an atmosphere she loved with like minded colleagues helped solidify it as her choice as career path.
“The beauty of personal training, though, lies in the personal part, not the training part. Working closely with my clients, I’ve been able to help them achieve physical capabilities and transformations that create satisfaction and appreciation for my job. One thing I’ve learned from my psychology background is that the physical body and the mind are closely related. And improving the physical improves the mental. At the same moment, the mind can create obstacles, blocks, and plateaus that translate into the physical world. Confronting the physical sometimes can mean confronting the emotional. And i think that is a beautiful thing. Watching someone development, both inside and out. Feeling sexy in mind and body. That is cool."

Her specialty background includes, most dominantly:
Specialized fitness, based on similar theories of gyrotonics and pilates, that fuses together flexibilty training, joint stability, spinal and core work, dance, yoga, martial art, and boxing on beautiful woodcrafted equipment, This is the most gentle workout for your joints. Simply put, fast results, with no injuries. She apprenticed and worked for Studio Uma, a physical therapy studio, before becoming a freelance instructor in 2007. Her time here gave her invaluable knowledge and experience. Here, she worked with older clients, over 90, as well as those clients seriously traumatized after an accident or post surgery. She has also worked extensively with cancer patients and pregnant woman, as well as professional dancers and athletes. Between working at the Biokinetics studio and attending continued education seminars and courses with physical therapists, doctors and sports massage therapists, as well as through NASM, Kathy expanded and improved her base knowledge of working through rehabilitation, specifically with the lower back, knee, hip, and shoulder joints.
Rock Climbing. Kathy has been climbing both indoors and outdoors since 2007, and worked as an instructor at both Earthtreks and The Rock Wall at Chelsea Piers. She specializes in cross training for climbers, as well as developing movement based workouts specific to issues climbers may need work on using their body (balance, agility, dynamic movement, and core stability) against the wall and real rock. Through her own experiences, she has developed intrinsic sport-specific training to develop and protect climbers of all levels. Kathy has transformed both indoor and outdoor climbers of all ages, creating more mature and movement oriented climbers. Additionally, she is able to design particular workouts that will mimic crux movements and projects outside, that you don't get in a typical climbing gym, using both the equipment her practice builds and typical climbing and resistance equipment. Her background in sport psychology can come in handy, for climbers who realize that the crux move is sometimes all in their heads. For new climbers and those interested , Kathy will be happy to organize outdoor excursions.
Fitness for Children. Working at My Gym Children’s Fitness in Potomac, MD allowed Kathy to work with babies and children ages 2-9. The programs designed were geared to specifically allowing children’s fundamental skills to development little by little as a child ages, from sitting up to gripping to climbing, to swinging, to stretching to lifting. At Earthtreks, she worked specifically with children under age 8, coaching them in rock climbing. With SocRoc in NYC, she worked with children 4-5, teaching basic soccer skills. At Club Med in Australia, she worked with children from 4-12, instructing them in various physical activities, including sports like soccer, tennis, kayaking and vollleyball.
Kathy has been featured in the following:
The Today Show
Time Out New York
Shape Magazine
Fox News
Self Magazine
The Travel Channel
Red Bull Australia
Zone Perfect
Chelsea Now